Thank you for investing in the lives of the men who will be attending future Restoring the Soul Weekend Intensives. Your gift, no matter what size, will make an eternal impact in lives far beyond their weekend experience.
Your scholarship donation will allow Restoring the Soul to care for men who may not have the resources to attend a Weekend Intensive and the help they very much need.
To set up monthly or annual recurring investments, click here. Our new NCF giving portal will open in a new tab. Scroll down for additional giving options.
Please add any notes regarding your donation in the space at the bottom of the NCF giving page.
Restoring the Soul Weekend Intensives are a ministry of Restoring the Soul, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that exists to help individuals and couples experience deep change through trauma-informed intensive counseling. Your generous support allows us to continue offering life-changing soul care Weekend Intensives for those who need a path forward.
We believe in the power of transformation and the tenacity of hope. Join us as we invest in restoration.